COG Global’s

Gateway Sponsorship Program

Sharing the love of JESUS as we team up together to CARE for, EDUCATE, and DISCIPLE orphans and vulnerable children around the globe.

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COG Global’s Gateway Sponsorship Program

In James 1 and Galatians 6 we’re encouraged to “Look after orphans, and carry each other’s burdens.” We are NOT asking you to make a financial commitment, but it would be great if you considered joining our volunteer team by spending 1⁄2 hour or so emailing your own personal fundraising page out to those in your network. Here is an example of what a page looks like for your consideration: If only 20 friends respond to your email request by making a one-time contribution of $25 each on your online link, you will have raised enough ($500) to ‘look after’ one of these precious Children of God for an entire year!

If you feel led to help please contact me as I will be happy to set up your own personal fundraising page for you to use … similar to the one my wife and I are using to get the word out.